Friday, May 29, 2009

Obama Administration Reveals New Defense Budgets

What with all the wealth-redistribution going on, the military is pretty much reduced to holding bake sales to survive...


  1. That's about right.

    I'm sure they'll have to provide their own equipment, too.

  2. Man, that Robert Gates just hates the military, huh? That must be the case, since the recommendations for cuts came from him and the JCS.

    Oh wait.

    Hey, did you post similar outrage when Bush sent people into battle in Iraq and they had to buy some of their own equipment.

    Once again, the "support the troops" mantra is exposed.

  3. Gates has lost his fucking mind. Period.

    And yeah, I actually DID bash on Rumsfeld for his dickish and flippant remarks about our troops heading off to war without enough gear, no armor kits, and not even enough troop strength to do the job right. When you have troops scrounging the trash piles for plate steel to weld onto vehicles, and Guard units in Alabama holding fund raisers to buy armor kits for their vehicles (true stories from early in the war) then there's a problem. Bush and Company went into it half-assed, expecting our Wondrous Technology to cause the entire Middle East to just up & surrender.

  4. I fricken love the photos.....the best is they guy on the donkey....I have a question...since we are all so unarmed allready how or what are we giving the guys and gals going to afganistan....It's all so pretty on the news....Why are we going there again?


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