Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sorry guys...

Hey there. Sorry that I haven't been posting as often as either of us would like.

Personally, I'd like to post at least three times a week. A couple of you post three times a day, and I would dearly love to be able to write at that rate, but I can sometimes barely find the time to do what I do as is.

Work is exceptionally hectic right now, and I spend 2.5 to 3 hours a day in the car just getting there and back. I barely get 3 hours of personal/family time afterwards before I crash, so I just don't get to squeeze in enough writing. Thankfully I have a pretty patient wife who understands (mostly) how much I love doing this.

Y'know...I never talk about my Day Job and what it is that I do for a living. Any of you interested in knowing what it is that I do all day instead of writing? Let me know.


  1. BTW, your...uh...hat...

  2. Sure, I'm curious! I don't suppose that the hat is part of an official uniform?

  3. Believe it or not......I am wearing a child's flotation device on my head whilst goofing around at the local WalMart. I also have a second picture of me wearing one that looks like a rubber ducky.

  4. My goal is to post once a day. Sometimes, I get so involved in commenting on other blogs, that I neglect my own... like now.

  5. Steve, I like the mystery of trying to reconcile the online persona with the constraints of the real-world job. I've not revealed my job (nor my name) on the blog but am thinking about doing it - partly because I'm about to change job, anyway...

  6. Good to see you back again..

  7. Your job is wearing child's flot. device on your head at WalMart?

    COOL! :-)


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