Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Just a quick hit...

It's been a helluva week. We went to a new schedule at work that inconveniences everyone except the dude who runs the transport section, most especially us poor two bastards who pick the orders for ice cream, but I digress.....I just haven't had any time to write this week, as I now have to be in at 4AM on Tues/Weds/Thurs and I live over an hour from work.....Anyways, I thought ya'll would get a kick outta my latest picture creation....


  1. Ooooooooo! I like it!!

    sorry you have to go to work so early now.

  2. Ice Cream? Did somebody say ice cream?

    Sorry about the hours change.. on the bright side, at that hour you should have little traffic to deal with..? Transport section dude must be a flaming liberal..

    Like the pic - Geico, the Glenn Beck hater company with whom I will cancel my policy Nov 4 if they hold their stance on advertising, combined with dear leader.. classic!

  3. I recognize that money. It used to be in my home equity.

  4. VERY good...
    Good luck with the work schedule...
    You're missed...bring some ice cream over HERE, okay?!!

  5. OMG - its all mine bitches. I snorted out loud there. Fabulous.

  6. This is cool, did you use Paintshop? I'll have to hit you up in the future if you don't mind.

  7. I actually am very very primitive with my pics. They say that creativity can help you overcome adversity, and in my case I get by without Photoshop or Paintshop.

    The pics I make, and I'm really thinking of adding my mark to any new pics I make to ID them, I make with a simple hack & slash using MS Digital Image Standard 2006. I admittedly borrow pics off the net, some of which are already made, but many I start with and add stuff to. Or I just take them & combine them with my own twisted visions.....

    Glad that you like my stuff!

  8. Cool, good to know, I'll see if we can put our heads together on something in the future.


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