Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Save the Ta-Ta's

Y’know, I’m pretty fortunate. I only live about 45 miles away from my mom, and I stop in and see her as often as I can. I really should stop in more often, though, and since I know my mom reads my blog, I’ll apologize publicly right here. I love you, Mom!

Actually, I’m beyond fortunate; I’m blessed. You see, I’m the proud son of a breast cancer survivor. Mom just recently had her checkup, and is still cancer free.

Not everyone is as fortunate as me, though. One of my oldest & dearest friends (who shall remain anonymous to protect his privacy) lost his mom to breast cancer a little while before we met almost 20 years ago. Fear not, brother, for her memory and legacy lives on.

I bring this all up to remind all of you that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Ladies, do your self-exams and see your doctor regularly for screenings. Guys, remind the women in your lives to do what they need to do. And furthermore guys, check yourselves as well. Men can, and do, get breast cancer too.

Early detection is paramount to beating breast cancer. They caught my mom’s at the very earliest stage on a routine mammogram and began an aggressive treatment regimen right away. So please, do what you gotta do. It could save your life, or the life of someone you love.

In conjunction with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to celebrate the start of the 2009-10 season, the National Hockey League and the National Hockey League Players' Association are currently hosting their annual Hockey Fights Cancer Awareness Month. The League-wide initiative includes activities that involve all 30 teams, players, management and fans, as well as special Hockey Fights Cancer-themed merchandise, all with the goal of raising awareness and funds for this important cause.

Each NHL club will designate one October home game as its Hockey Fights Cancer Awareness Night. The teams will collaborate with local and national cancer organizations to promote cancer awareness and raise funds for hockey's most important fight. Events will include on-ice presentations, 50/50 raffles, promotional giveaways, contests and discount ticket offers. Arena suites and tickets will be donated to children's hospitals and cancer-affiliated programs, and young patients will be involved with in-game opportunities -- including rides on the Zamboni, puck drops, radio booth visits and player meet-and-greets. There also will be online, live and silent auctions of signed items, including helmets, sticks, jerseys and other team merchandise. Several clubs will continue to promote awareness by participating in local hospital visits and fund-raising runs and walks.

Hockey Fights Cancer is a joint initiative founded in December 1998 by the National Hockey League and the National Hockey League Players' Association to raise money and awareness. It is supported by NHL Member Clubs, NHL Alumni, the NHL Officials' Association, Professional Hockey Trainers and Equipment Managers, corporate marketing partners, broadcast partners and fans throughout North America. To date, more than $10.5 million has been raised to support national and local cancer research.

Locally my ECHL team, the South Carolina Stingrays, will host their annual Pink In The Rink night in February, with the team wearing pink jerseys, playing with pink sticks, and the ice surface itself will be dyed pink. The jersey auctions after the game are always a huge success. Last year the Rays raised over $18,000 for cancer awareness & research from the game. This year their goal is for $30,000.

Go out & get involved, and help save lives. Don’t be a boob.


  1. Very nice and all so important.

    Ha ha--I was wondering why the Green Bay Packers were wearing pink wristbands and carrying pink towels the other night. It clashed so much and I thought their laundry people had ruined some new red equipment--but now it all makes sense. Doh!

  2. Steve! THis was very good of you to post! It's important woman and men too, are aware of this. I'm happy your mom survived. You are lucky. I wish My mom was alive...she died when I was very little, not of cancer, btw. So, I know how your friend must feel.

    It's nice hockey is doing this charitable endeavor too!
    It's always good to read uplifting news, with all the
    horror stories we are subjected to daily.

  3. Thumbs up, my friend. I stand with every other guy who has a mother.

  4. Congrats to your mom! That's awesome to hear something positive in today's world.

    I get my yearly mammogram, and so far so good. The self-exams are usually done by my hubby. :-D

  5. LOL, Steve!

    I'm all about saving the puppies, but I do wonder what progress is being made with all of the money being raised for breast cancer research, as well as other forms of cancer.

  6. How much progress has been made in a cure for muscular dystrophy? Jerry Lewis pulls in millions and millions every year.....

  7. Yepper. I want results, dammit!

    Surely, at least before Obama destroys healthcare, we can kick the ass of cancer!


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