Sunday, October 4, 2009

Top Ten Reasons Why Chicago Lost The 2016 Olympics

We have a great show tonight. From Iron Chef: America; the Chairman, Mark Dacascos. Star of countless fitness videos and operator of a glory hole off the Long Island Expressway; Richard Simmons. And our musical guest tonight, Festering Scab. And now tonight's Top Ten List.....

From our home offices near Round-O, South Carolina.....Top ten....The Top Ten Reasons...Now, Paul, you just heard the giant travesty that a bunch of Republican swine conspired with the Zionist Jews of the International Olympic Committee to shame and embarrass our Dear Leader, the Obamessiah by awarding the 2016 Olympics to Rio, a city known for slums and topless carnivals, instead of our own safe, moral, and God-fearing city of Chicago. So here's tonight's Top Ten Reasons that Chicago lost the 2016 Olympics.....

And our number one reason why Chicago lost the 2016 Summer Olympics is...

And that's tonight's Top Ten List, brought to you by ACORN Mortgage and Loan!


Amusing Bunni said...

Steve, my've been a busy genius!
I just LOVE< LOVE, LOVE all your pics.
I think I"ll do a link to your blog on my latest post.

I don't have photoshop, I do have Iphoto w/ mac snow leopard, but I haven't had any classes yet, and I'm do you get the thought/quote bubbles on pics? I wish I could do that. Excellent post,
I'm still in 7th heaven and watching the Bears, hopefully not loose.

Gamercatgirl said...

That. Was. Hilarious. I haven't laughed so hard in so long. I love numbers 9, 2, 1. You are brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Keep hammering them, my friend. Great work!!

blackandgoldfan said...

Totally frickin' awesome! Your photoshop mastery continues to astound me!

WomanHonorThyself said...

lolz!..been busy as all get out..sorry I haven't visited sooner!:)

Candle said...

WOW - this is hawt :) Very funny, laughed out loud.

RightKlik said...


Snarky Basterd said...

Awfully clever, Lightening Man. Well done.

Kid said...

Good stuff. ;-)

Brooke said...

That's fricking hilarious!!!

k6whp said...

Lightening Man: very, very funny but -- OUCH! -- does number #3 hurt!

73, de k6whp
(Войска ПВО)

Amusing Bunni said...

Yes, I am the bunni who tweeted the blog posts! Glad you got lots of hits from twitter! It's a great thing for that, and for keeping up on things.
My twitter link is on my right side blog page.
Everyone Loved the pics, and I see some of our friends have reposted too, WTG Steve.

Steve: The Lightning Man said...

Voyska, I needed a good tinfoil hat pic and mean no offense to the Ham Radio community. One of my oldest, dearest friends is a big ham in Orlando....KG4ZOW

And Bunni....thank you SO SO much for the added traffic and added support. It's so very appreciated!

Anonymous said...


Pure kickassedness.

I need to get photoshop...

Anonymous said...

Now that was thoughtful and original. I love it man!