Sunday, October 18, 2009

World's Oldest MackDaddyPimp steps up to help veterans

Some days I’m torn as to how I feel about Hugh Hefner. On the one hand, I have to give the man kudos for following his own path and for creating a vast entertainment empire from scratch. And on the other hand I just think it’s a bit creepy to be a 3,000 year old man always wearing silk pajamas and a velvet smoking jacket, with a harem of silicone tarts young enough to be his grandkids.

Either way, I’ll stand behind Hugh for his latest efforts. This year his annual Halloween Party will benefit an exceptionally worthy cause, The Wounded Warrior Project.

As always Hef’s estate on Halloween night will be filled with all the usual suspects and Hollywood’s elite, and half-naked chicks everywhere. Additionally, there will be some very special guests this year, as over 40 wounded troops will also attend the party.

"Hef was kind enough to let the Wounded Warrior Project be a beneficiary on Halloween. Proceeds will help severely wounded veterans that have recently served in Afghanistan and Iraq," said Executive Director of the Halloween 09 bash Jose Dominguez. (General admission tickets start at $1,000 and go up to $15,000 for VIPs.) "Halloween is the most sought-after night at the Mansion so it was a good opportunity to support our veterans and enjoy a great party at the same time."
This isn’t Hef’s first time helping out the Wounded Warrior Project this year, either. Back on May 16th, 2009, there was another big function at the Playboy Mansion to benefit the troops. The website for the event is still up at . The site offers some fascinating insight into parties that the likes of me and most of you will never get to see.

And for the record, Hugh Marston Hefner served in the United States Army during World War Two.

Rock on, Hef.


  1. As ill as it makes me to see this man who eats Viagra like M & M's, I will definitely give him credit for supporting such a great cause.

  2. Good for Hef.

    I agree, he is a bit creepy in a way, but what the heck, he's livin' the dream, right? In many ways he represents America at its finest.

    Plus, as you point out he's a vet and doing a great thing for today's wounded vets, and there's everything good about that!

  3. He may be creepy, but the fact that he still has enough of a libido, albeit chemically induced, to take on females young enough to be his GREAT grandchildren gives me hope for the future when I'm 90 and my dear beloved husband is 97!

  4. don't hate the playa, hate the game!
    he is living the dream, and there ain't a single american male who wouldn't trade ten years of his life for ten days as hef.


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