Monday, November 23, 2009

Burka Barbie Update


Wow....I was ahead of my time it seems....

Back in August of 2008, I made a post here (well, yet another post)about the Muslim takeover in England. In said post, I mentioned that perhaps the Brits would prefer a Burka Barbie.

And now that post has been getting dozens & dozens of hits the past few days as the result of folks looking for this Burka Barbie that has appeared for a charity auction in connection with Sotheby's for Save The Children. A burka-clad Barbie in The United Islamic Kingdom? Imagine that...

May as well have Kaffiyeh Ken hook up a car bomb to the Barbie Dream Porsche, or maybe just fix a Mk-19 grenade launcher to the Barbie Jeep...

So for all of you who were going to my other post looking for Burka Barbie, here she is, in various iterations...

Why not? The little terrorist buggers are bred for it from birth to die for Allah...


  1. She's showing ankle! She must be stoned to death in the name of allah!!!

    Do you think this Barbie comes already a victim of FGM or does it have a do-it-yourself kit?

  2. No doubt about it... you've got a real sense for the future of culture.

  3. every good muslim wants his jihad jamal action figure for Eid-Ul-Adha.
    wonder if they come with kung-fu grip, and if so, do the fingers break and fall off when they get old?
    is makmoud the martyr the most sought after action figure this season with his suicide belt? what about IED idrak? or sahem the sniper? choices, choices.

  4. Unbelievable. Mattel should be boycotted for catering to this abuse of women!

    And you know the burqa Barbie is just going to end up naked in a weird position under the dresser. All of my kid's Barbies do.

  5. Some day you will regret this.

  6. Bring it on, Akbar. True Americans do not bow down to threats from Islam.

  7. Great - another moron insulting other people's culture while stealing their oil. Hey genius, NOBODY wants your stinkin' Barbie crap. Oh, and DON'T pretend to 'care about women' while blowing them up with your bombs. P.S. Outiside of that shit-hole you call the US, Isra-HELL Are the REAL terrorists, not Hezbollah (whose only crime seems o be kicking your arse the last time you invaded Lebanon!) Please remind me again why everybody hates your guts....

  8. "True Americans do not bow down to threats from Islam."

    First off, you're NOT Native American - so you're not a 'true American'. Secondly, you've had your arse handed back to you in ebanon, Iraq and are in the process of getting your arse handed back to you in Afghanistan. Bow down? Bend over is more like it!


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