Wednesday, December 16, 2009

No, I'm not dead....just frozen

No, those are not bogeys in my facial hair. Those are actual ice crystals formed from exhaling at -20 degrees F (-28 C for my metric friends)

Salutations, dear readers!

My humblest of apologies for not writing as much these past couple weeks. As is usually the case when I'm shy on material, it generally means that work has interfered with pleasure. Getting up at 2:30AM and starting work in a -20 degree freezer isn't conducive to my writing.

I had a lot of fun with the Global Warming blog, though....if you missed it, give it a read and laugh a little. Look two posts below this one....

Anyways, I'm on vacation all of next week, and I should be able to put up some good stuff for you guys to peruse and enjoy.


  1. looks like nose goblins to me bro. enjoy the time off.

  2. That Global Warming thing is a pain...

  3. Thank goodness for global warming! You might be exhaling -40 air if not for it!


  4. I'll be looking for your posts next week, then.

  5. Steve,

    You get up at 2:30am for work?

    Hot damn, that's early.

    What time do you normally get home?

  6. Up here in Wisconsin we cover everything but our eyes. The exhaled air travels up and forms ice crystals on your EYELASHES!

  7. Yes, my good sir. Currently I get up at 0230, after maybe 5 hours of sleep, and leave at 0300. I drive an hour along back country roads (well, the first 30 minutes at least) dodging deer and opossums in the roadway, and arrive at my workplace at 0400. I then proceed to pull & ship orders all day in a MINUS 20 degree blast freezer. I leave at about 1230 and by then the traffic has thickened to a point where my homeward commute can be anywhere from 75 to 90 minutes.

  8. Reindeer have special nodes in their nose that preven moisture from leaving their body when they exhale. It prevents dehydration during the winter...

    ...and ice crystal boogers...

    Just thought I'd share.


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