Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Okay...something Christmas related from me, finally

With all my friends posting up various Christmas songs, I figured it was my turn. This song makes me laugh till it hurts every year.....


  1. Five months of bills? Not this year. Obama has taught me the new rules. All purchases are cash and under the table... flea markets, local artisans, no taxes.

    The Dems are in the process of developing the world's largest black market.

    And my Christmas tree? Small, and paid for in cash.

  2. Hi Steve! This was hilarious, I've never seen before!
    Thanks for posting.
    I hope you and your family have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! Take care and enjoy some days off, Bunni

  3. 1)Love, love, love Archie Bunker.

    2)Like sending cards (if I can find the time).

    3)My boys really DO want Transformers this year.

    I had forgotten about this song. Very Funny!!!

  4. Oh, that's "Bah, Humbug!" But VERY VERY FUNNY.
    Thanks, LM...A very Merry Christmas to you and yours. xxx

  5. Merry Christmas, Mojo!

    I love this song! I also crack up over "The restroom door said gentleman."

  6. This song is definately you. LOL! Merry Christams!!!


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