Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm just sayin'...

Special thanks to my Facebook buddy Steve B for doing this for me....

Speaking of Facebook, hit me up if ya'll wanna meet up on FB, and also, I'm thinking of making a Facebook page for this blog; what do ya'll think?


  1. Just don't stop blogging here. I have a facebook account, but don't really like it too much. I use it mostly to update people on the baby (finding out boy or girl tomorrow ... BIG DAY).

  2. Fear not; this blog isn't going anywhere! I'd be using the FB page to direct folks here for posts, and as a general shoot-the-bull zone....

  3. Okay. Just making sure. Like I said, I have FB and place updates on it, BUT I don't really like it, not for actual "posts". It's good for one or two liners is all.

    Plus everyone you've ever met in your life wants to be your friend and you end up with over 100 people and you can't keep up with any of them.

  4. Kewl pic.

    I don't much care for FB, though.

  5. I'm with Brooke on this one...I won't FB....who wants to get tons of contacts from people you don't remember?
    Well, good luck if you do!
    Great picture!


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