Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Sunday Comics, Lightning Man Style

I think this could end up a weekly feature!

Who doesn't love to read the comics on Sundays?

As always, culled from various sources, and some were even made by me. That's how I roll.


  1. Good stuff, Steve. Thank you for your incredible comment for my (lameass) troll the other day. You made my weekend with that.

  2. The truth shall set you free, my Basterdly friend! All I did was make some very very true observations, and they tend to shrink away from the truth.

  3. Brilliant stuff!

    I rather like the epic liberal fail!

  4. That's one of my own creations. Some of them look better when you click them to open them full-sized.

  5. I don't think I can pick a favorite. Maybe "Give me liberty or I'll take it myself."


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