Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Save me from idiots

Save me.

Save me from idiots.

Save me from the idiots that I am forced to deal with all day, every day, without end, ad nauseum. Save me from idiots who refuse to learn. Save me from idiots who refuse to work WITH you, only AGAINST you, because they think they know better. Save me from people who can't drive. Save me from people who have no effing clue that the little stick on the steering column makes a blinky light turn on that lets me know what direction you will be careening in next. Save me from idiots who just assume, but don't ask. Save me from idiots who think I can change orders at a second's notice. Save me from self-important, self-absorbed asstards who think EVERYTHING is an emergency, ASAP job just for them. Save me from idiots, because I have at least one box of ammo left.

There. I feel better now. Back to work....

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