Thursday, September 3, 2009

A little something for my loyal readers: A Mob of One

Hey, you all know I really enjoy putting together the pictures that accompany my blogs. Some of them I borrow from other blogs and from around the web, but a lot of them I make myself. I'm no professional; I don't even use PhotoShop. I make them using just the crappy Microsoft Photo Editor my laptop came with. Improvise, adapt, overcome...

Anyways, I decided to make a new logo and slogan that will bedeck my site here, and if you want to use it, feel free. I'd be honored. It was inspired by the Angry Mob label applied to Conservatives and anyone who stands up to the Regime, and inspired in part by the mob logo I saw over on Z's site.

Are you Mob Strong? Be a Mob of One.


  1. You did a great job on the picture. I love what it symbolizes also. Its the truth. WE are dealing with a huge mob of one and his name is Obama. WE must absolutely stop him from ruining America.

  2. Like you wrote: "Adapt, improvise, and overcome." Succinct.

  3. I like it.

    I gots a Tea Party to go to Saturday, and I'm taking the camera.

  4. You KNOW I'm computer-inept, but I'm going to try to get this on my blog instead of the other I had (thanks for the mention, by the wayxx)

    GOOD ONE, I admire your computer skills GREATLY! xx Off I go now to TRY to get that on my sidebar.


  5. Looks like Mob of One is breaking down some. Van Jones handed in his own walking papers. ON the flip side, the white house will be flying a communist flag on 9/20. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!! Reagan is rolling in his grave.


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