Monday, October 12, 2009

Pope canonizes new saints, including Obama...

It seems that Herr Heilige Vater, Pope Benedict I gotta read the numerals again....16th! Yeah, Pope Benedict XVI....has canonized some new saints, among them Saint Barack Obama, despite his still being alive.

Now, in order to become a saint, ordinarily, one must have been dead at least 5 years. They also have to have performed at least two miracles. Saint Obama turned truth into lies and turned democracy into Marxism, all within 9 months.

Also miraculous is that he is mostly worshiped by atheistic Marxists and Liberal Democrats, and that his appeal has also breached the divide between Muslims and non-Muslims.....even Islamic terrorists have been known to chant Obama Akbar before having their wealth redistributed.

All hail Saint Obama, Patron Saint of Bailouts. Amen.


  1. Great job, Steve! Did you notice the pope looked like the evil gremlin, Stripe?

  2. I thought that pic of Herr Pope was kinda funny so that's why I chose to snag it & customize it.

  3. Unfortunately, Obama was unable to part the Red Tape.

  4. it wasn't enough to poke a sick in the eye of muslims, getting fatwas issued against you, now your fucking with the catholics. don't be surprised if they resurrect the spanish inquisition just for you.

  5. Funny Stuff.

    Ps - Part the red tape ! haha

  6. You people are all idiots Obama is a GREAT president and you guys are just a bunch of boobs!:P
    And you can 'snag' THAT stevie!!!!!
    P.S. you look like ur constipated!


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