Monday, February 15, 2010

Breaking the Century Mark!

It is with no small measure of gratitude and glee that I get to say my blog has enlisted it's 100th follower today!

Thanks, all of you, for putting up with my antics, my rants, my chicanery, but most of all thanks for sticking with me, believing in me, and supporting me.

Stay's gonna keep getting better!


  1. Steve, 10 more followers and you'll edge ahead of the New York Times!


  2. GREAT!! you deserve it!
    (I don't "follow" but sure WOULD!)

  3. Go! Ste-eve, GO!
    You're a disco inferno!
    Go! Ste-eve, Go!

    IDK, I just sing that to people whenever something good happens. Don't try to figure it out...


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Thanks for reading. I really do appreciate it. However, please bear in mind if you try to hurt my feelings with your comments, I will crush yours underfoot like so much rubbish. I do not play well with others.