Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earf Day 2010

Let's see....earthquake after earthquake after earthquake.....volcanoes.....floods.....exploding coal mines....exploding oil rigs........record snowfalls.....Sounds like Mother Gaia is pissed and demands a sacrifice. I suggest Al Gore....

In lieu of throwing Gore into the volcano in Iceland to appease the Earth Goddess, I have a better plan.

Go outside and pick up an acorn. Put the acorn in an envelope and mail it to the Brazilian Embassy in Washington, DC. Enclose a note requesting politely that they forward this official carbon-credit baby tree seed to whichever section of the rainforest needs it the most.
Here's the address:

3006 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Washington, DC


The reply to this clip is just absolute CLASSIC!!!

1 comment:

  1. That video is very good! LOL!

    I noticed a conspicuous lack of Gore yesterday. LOL!

    Besides, we all know that earthquakes aren't being caused by global warming... It's scantily clad boobage that's doing the job.


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