Thursday, May 20, 2010

I am the Tea Party Leader

Rush Limbaugh claims to be "America's Anchor Man"; I am America's Anger Man.

Okay. This means war.

The gloves are off, if indeed there was ever a doubt that I was still wearing them.

I took some time off from writing, hoping to recharge the batteries and rekindle the fire, but that time served instead to keep my bile churning towards writing politics. I don't want this site to be purely political, nor do I want it to be a mimic of the Fox News feeds regurgitating everything Fox reports or Rush or Beck or Hannity has as a talking point. Not my style, not my purpose. However.....

It's not like I've been napping these past few weeks. I am well aware of what's been going on. And today I have finally snapped. I've been hinting that I was mounting a comeback, but after this abortion of a state dinner at La Casa Blanca last night for El Presidente de Me-hee-ko and his blatantly insulting session of bullshittery to Congress today, I'm back in the game. I will be addressing that fiasco in short order soon enough.

All the newsies & pundits keep rambling on about Tea Party candidates like the Tea Party is an actual organized nationwide political third party. Dems and their Libtard lackeys in Michigan attempted to run a fake Tea Party candidacy in order to commit complete & utter FRAUD.

Last I knew, the Tea Party Movement was just that; a MOVEMENT made up of CONSERVATIVES, be they Republicans, Libertarians, or Independents. There's no actual national chairperson per se, because it's a grass-roots organizational thing instead of a third party unto itself. It's an idea backed up by action, not some letter in parenthesis after a candidates name. But still.....

You want a leader, Liberals? I'll give you a leader. You wanna finger point? You want someone to revile & despise and hold up in effigy for being an angry middle-aged white guy? You want your figurehead? Look no further. It's ME. I am the Tea Party Leader.

I am the self-appointed National Grand Poobah of The Tea Party for America. I'm your Boogeyman.

I'm not alone, either. Every single one of you who believes in smaller government, accountability, free enterprise capitalism, protected borders, and the Constitution of the United States is The Tea Party Leader. You are the Tea Party leader by furthering the ideals of putting our country back together.

It's a movement. A set of ideas and beliefs. And the movement rests on our shoulders and in our hearts. You with me? Feel free to add one of these graphics to your own site, and drive onward to victory.

Lead, Follow, or Get Out Of The Way.....

I'll lead. Let's roll.

Ready at a moment's notice....

Bold & Powerful....

Carolina style......

Basic old-school.....


Please enter credit card number here....
Thanks for reading. I really do appreciate it. However, please bear in mind if you try to hurt my feelings with your comments, I will crush yours underfoot like so much rubbish. I do not play well with others.