Friday, June 18, 2010

The indoctrination continues....

Y'know, the guy started off okay. Get kids to believe in themselves and have goals and dreams....and then ruins it by brainwashing them into the Obama Youth. All that was missing by the end was a rousing rendition of the Horst Wessel Leid....


  1. The marching song of the new National Socialists of Obama...

    The flag high! The ranks tightly closed!
    OA (Orginizing for America) march with calm, firm steps.
    Comrades shot by the Republicans and reactionaries
    March in spirit in our ranks.

    Clear the streets for the green battalions,
    Clear the streets for the Eco-troopers!
    Already millions look with hope to the change
    The day of freedom and bread is dawning!

    Roll call has sounded for the last time
    We are all already prepared for the fight!
    Soon Obama's flag will fly over all streets.
    Our servitude will soon begin!

    The flag high! The ranks tightly closed!
    OA marches with a calm, firm pace.
    Comrades shot by the Republicans and reactionaries
    March in spirit in our ranks.

    Lyrics changed to fit the times. Scary thing is they did not have to change too much...

  2. loyalty is my honor. at this rate, it won't be long before the kids start get knives with that inscription here as well.

  3. Good gawd almighty.

    Hey, I can make up bullshit. Does that make me an Obama scholar?

  4. Before long we'll be seeing kids wearing brown shirts or some uniform just like Hitler indoctrinated the youth.


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