Saturday, September 4, 2010

The 9/11 Hard Hat Pledge: Big Signup At Ground Zero on Sunday

Hey gang, heads up.

If you, like me, were listening to the Rush Limbaugh Show on Thursday afternoon and heard the caller named Andy who spoke with guest host Mark Steyn, then you also heard him mention a project called the 9/11 Hard Hat Pledge. Under this pledge, those who sign give their word to not contribute to building a mosque at that location with either goods or services.

I just got an email from Andy Sullivan, the man behind the project and behind the website Blue Collar Corner. He wanted to let me know that they are having a big sign-up tomorrow right at Ground Zero at 2:00 PM. That rocks!

If any of you out there who read this blog are hard hat construction types, go down and show Andy, and show America, some support. Go on down and remember those who perished there and let the world know that you simply do not support the building of a mosque at Ground Zero's hallowed ground.

If you can't make it, but still want to show your support, head over to the website and sign the online pledge.

More to come on this...stay tuned.


  1. So let me see if I get this straight: if we DON'T let them build a monument to their success that looms over the site of this unspeakable disaster, they win? WTF?
    Bloomberg is the one who should be ashamed of himself. Rudy SO would not have put up with this shit.

  2. Bloomberg has now proven himself to be a political whore.

  3. I LOVE THIS GUY! AlwaysOnWatch had him on her Blog Talk Radio show about 3 weeks ago and the chat room was on FIRE for him.
    I emailed him afterwards complimenting me and he immediately wrote SUCH a nice note back.
    This is marvelous and Andy Sullivan will NOT back down...workers AND suppliers are signing this pledge!
    So....of course, the imam's over there (on our nickel) "building bridges" and scarping together the money for this mosque and they'll probably get enough that they can send over more Arabs to do the work...ugh

    "whore" is right.

  4. What a disgrace. It will take the everyman to put this right, at the risk of his own job.


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