Sunday, August 14, 2011

Obama: Islam has always been part of America

The other day, Sultan Obama held his annual Iftar feast to celebrate Ramadan. This isn't really new, since GW Bush did it too. However, I think this guy, unlike his predecessor, not only understands these Islamic holidays, he embraces them.

Well, during his TelePrompter Wordfest (what Presidents used to call a speech), Imam Obama broke loose with the following:

"And tonight, we are reminded that Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity. And Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been a part of America. The first Muslim ambassador to the United States, from Tunisia, was hosted by President Jefferson, who arranged a sunset dinner for his guest because it was Ramadan —- making it the first known iftar at the White House, more than 200 years ago. (Applause.) "

Well....could it be that Jefferson never thought they were giving an "Iftar dinner" but simply having a dinner, at a time convenient for this envoy (yeah, an envoy, not an ambassador to an embassy), accommodating him because he represented a backwater on the coast of North Africa that was one of several Ottoman Muslim states attacking American shipping and seizing American ships and seamen. Pharaoh Obama's attempt to rewrite history here is typical.

Jefferson was outraged and appalled by the demands of ransom for sailors captured from American vessels and the Barbary states’ expectation and demands of annual tribute to be paid as insurance against future seizures. He took an uncharacteristically hawkish position against the prevailing thought that it was cheaper to pay tribute than maintain a navy to protect shipping from piracy. Hell, the Muslims had been attacking American shipping since the Revolutionary War...

From 1801 to 1805 Jefferson fought against the Barbary pirates, attacking their strongholds in Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria. President Madison had to further deal with more crap from them in 1815 after the conclusion of the War of 1812. (Hey, how about those Marines and the shores of Tripoli, huh? Try looking up Stephen Decatur and the term "leatherneck").

So were rigt in a roundabout way; we've had to deal with Islamic violence from the very beginnings of our nation. And we're still dealing with it, even from your beloved Muslim Americans like Nidal Hasan and Naser Jason Abdo...


  1. did i tell you that when the ft. hood shooting occurred, that i got into an argument with a couple of co workers, who didn't think hasan was acting on behalf of radical islam? one of the guys was a perspective ARMY officer, (green to gold). it is amazing hope dumb some AMERICANS are about the religion of pieces.

  2. That little asshole had already been denied C.O. status and went AWOL rather than deploy to The Stan & risk killing little angry brown people who wish nothing less than our total destruction. WTF did he think was gonna happen when he enlisted? He knew there was a war on. He knew where that war was being waged and against whom. It's folly bordering dangerous stupidity to think you won't deploy to the combat zone at least he throws a tantrum and decides to kill his fellow troops? That's treasonous, and treason during wartime is a death penalty offense. Ad your co-worker needs to be slapped. Usually prior enlisteds make better officers but this guy sounds like the exception to the rule....

  3. So very absolutely true!

    Obama... He's not just an idiot dhimmi!

    What an insult to our history, our present and our future!


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