Sunday, October 28, 2012

There's still time to impeach him...

Thankfully this election cycle is almost over, and I hope beyond all hopes that the current denizen of the White House is finally overthrown and sent packing. 

I know that back during the early days of his reign I tried to be open-minded and hopeful and said that I would try to give him a fair shake, but that quickly faded as I realized that he was going to be an even bigger, more colossal failure than Jimmy Carter.

My opinion of the man has hit new lows. I find him a contemptible creature, and if that opinion hadn’t been solidified yet, then his arrogance and condescension at the final presidential debate and the blatant criminal bungling of the situation in Benghazi were the final coffin nails.

First, the debate. Personally, I prefer my Commander In Chief to have actual military experience. In my opinion it is crucial, in that if you are going to send troops in harm’s way that you should have once been one yourself. At least Mitt Romney has a modicum of leadership experience in having been the head of the Massachusetts National Guard while he was Governor. Not quite the same thing as being the Commander In Chief, but closer than the Marxist in Charge has with his bounty of experience in community organizing and agitating.

So in trying to demean Mitt and make himself look cool, Barry snarkily tries to negate the need for a larger Navy by saying we have these things called aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, and went on to blather about how we also don’t have as many horses and bayonets as we used to, implying that it was yesterday’s technology and using the same tone one would use to scold a naughty child. 

How ironic, since he relishes yesterday’s technology of trains and windmills….

I carried an M-7 bayonet during my enlistment and then we switched to the M-9. I had a tab on my Expert qualification badge for the bayonet. Our troops still carry bayonets, especially Marines. Rain or shine, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in searing heat and bitter cold, the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery is guarded by sentinels who have a bayonet fixed on their rifle. The US Army Drill Team and the USMC Silent Drill Platoon both perform in front of thousands of people every year with bayonets affixed to their rifles. 

US Army Drill Team

USMC Silent Drill Platoon

The first Special Forces soldiers in Afghanistan rode in on horseback. There are still special operations troops using horses in the back country and mountain passes where heavy armored vehicles cannot operate. Horses are utilized in funerals at Arlington. You know, where real American heroes are laid to rest...

Special Forces trooper on a......HORSE.

An Arlington Tomb Sentinel on duty last year in the middle of a hurricane. Oh, look; a bayonet...

No, you arrogant and condescending bastard, we don’t have as many bayonets and horses as we used to, but we still have them and they are used every day by men you aren’t fit to lead.

And about the Navy and their lack of ships…I remember very well the 600-ship Navy under President Reagan. And now, under YOU, we have the smallest Navy since World War One. Yes, we have aircraft carriers. Yes, we have nuclear submarines. We also have fewer of both than we did in the past. In fact we have 20 fewer Los Angeles class attack submarines than we did in 1996, and another one so badly damaged by a fire this past spring she may be scrapped. By 2004, all 37 of the Sturgeon class submarines were retired. Also gone are 21 ballistic missile subs of the Lafayette and Benjamin Franklin classes that were in service previously. How many aircraft carriers have we lost in the past twenty or so years? More than we gained. From 1993 to 2009 we retired all of our conventional-powered carriers, eight ships in total. That leaves us with eleven carriers, including the aging USS Enterprise, scheduled to be decommissioned at the start of next year. So, in essence, we have 10 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

That all sounds awesome on paper, especially if you know nothing about the military, like Barry Obama.
You see, the fewer ships you have the less area you can cover, or more rather you have to cover more area with less, making the ships & crews work harder and serve longer and longer deployments. By the end of a six to nine month deployment, a carrier is in need of a several-months-long refit period of maintenance in the yards. Equipment is worn out, crews are worn out, and that’s from every day operations….wartime missions aggravate this tenfold. On paper we have 54 attack subs, 14 ballistic missile subs, and 4 guided missile subs, but how many are available at any given time? How many are drydocked getting overhauled or repaired or refueled? Same with the carriers. And the carriers have the added complication of having a flotilla of other ships to accompany them, like, say, the fleet oilers to refuel the destroyers and cruisers. When you only have but so many to go around, they get worn out. 

A carrier in drydock

And what if there’s a war and (God forbid) we lose a ship in combat? You can’t build one over night. A carrier takes about 6 or 7 years to build these days. A submarine takes about three.

Okay, now on to Libya.

The latest word I’m getting is that our people in Libya begged for weeks to get more & better security on the ground in Tripoli and at the mission in Benghazi, and were REFUSED. When the mission came under attack, the White House knew for hours. They watched in the Situation Room via a feed from an overhead drone as militants stormed the compound & murdered four Americans.

I hear word that there was a quick reaction force an hour away that was never sent. I hear word that at one point a rapid deployment force comprising Army Rangers and two Special Forces A-Teams along with an AC-130U Spectre gunship were en route to rescue them, and were turned back. I hear word that one of the two former Navy SEALs who were among the four killed was at one point on the roof and could see the mortar team shelling them and begged for air support so he could spot for them. DENIED. The general who tried to help them is being canned

Christopher Stevens. Glen Doherty. Tyrone Woods. Sean Smith. A United States Ambassador, two former Navy SEALs, and a civilian information management officer, all killed by Islamic terrorists. I hope their names and faces haunt you nightly, Barry.

You lied to your lapdogs in the media and blamed the attack on a bullshit video on YouTube that most of those illiterate sand fleas had never even heard of until you used it and the shady turd who made it as a scapegoat for your own incompetence. And you made sure all of Islam knew the shady turd was a Coptic Christian, as if the Copts in Egypt aren’t having enough trouble from your butt-buddies in the Islamic Brotherhood. You threw him, and all the Copts, under the bus you scumbag. 

You and your entire staff should be tried for treason. You couldn’t lead a pack of Cub Scouts to the dumpster and back without screwing it up and yet you have the audacity to think you should continue to lead this nation?

Eight more days, Barry. Eight days and then we vote your ass out. Start packing.

1 comment:

  1. Obama is a complete horse's ass, and a criminal to boot. A MURDERER!

    I hope to God we send him backing, and I hope his next taxpayer funded home is a stockade!


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