Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Another (and better) Breitbart tribute

As you likely recall, on Monday I paid tribute to the late Andrew Breitbart as the person I considered the real Person of the Year despite what Time Magazine thought.

No sooner had I posted the article link on Twitter when the first attacks from the Left began. It's amazing that nine months after his untimely passing, Andrew continues to rile his enemies. I'm not sure if they hate him more for being a Conservative, for exposing the Left's lies and scumbaggery, for giving the Right a real and honest person to believe in, or for turning his back on the Left-controlled Big Media (Andrew created the Huffington Post and used to be a commentator on Real Time With Bill Maher).

Back in May of 2011, Andrew did a one-on-one interview with Adam Carolla for Adam's podcast. A few days ago Adam re-released the podcast in lieu of new material while taking a holiday break. The interview is frank, blunt, funny, profane, and profound. You can listen to it, or download it, from Adam's website or on iTunes. The interview reinforced my admiration of Andrew as a continued inspiration.

"I liked the guy because he was no bullshit and all business," Carolla says during his introduction to the tribute podcast. "I went out to dinner and a movie with the guy and thought he was a super cool guy, a family guy."

The podcast ends with the show's news coverage from March of Andrew's death and Adam's toast to his New Media ally. "He was the fucking nicest guy in the world," Carolla said at the time. "He was a good soul with a bright spirit."

Carolla's tribute to Andrew goes hand in hand with mine. I hope ya'll enjoy it. 

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to check it out while driving to work; while the kids are in school.

    I'm not a big Corolla fan, but I have started to like him more and more recently.


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