Thursday, November 27, 2014

The 12 Days of Lootsmas

Sing along. You know the tune.

On the first day of looting my homies stole for me a 60” HDTV.

On the second day of looting my homies stole for me two Yankees ball caps and a 60” HDTV.

On the third day of looting my homies stole for me three pair of Jordans, two Yankees ball caps, and a 60” HDTV.

On the fourth day of looting my homies stole for me four packs of rolling paper, three pairs of Jordans, two Yankees ball caps, and a 60” HDTV.

On the fifth day of looting my homies stole for me five gold teeth…..four packs of rolling paper, three pair of Jordans, two Yankees ball caps, and a 60” HDTV.

On the sixth day of looting my homies stole for me six Swisher Sweets, five gold teeth, four packs of rolling papers, three pair of Jordans, two Yankees ball caps, and a 60” HDTV.

On the seventh day of looting my homies stole for me seven Scarface t-shirts, six Swisher Sweets, five gold teeth, four packs of rolling papers, three pair of Jordans, two Yankees ball caps, and a 60” HDTV.

On the eighth day of looting my homies stole for me eight Four Lokos, seven Scarface t-shirts, six Swisher Sweets, five gold teeth, four packs of rolling papers, three pair of Jordans, two Yankees ball caps, and a 60” HDTV.

On the ninth day of looting my homies stole for me nine hair weaves, eight Four Lokos, seven Scarface t-shirts, six Swisher Sweets, five gold teeth, four packs of rolling papers, three pair of Jordans, two Yankees ball caps, and a 60” HDTV.

On the tenth day of looting my homies stole for me ten scratch tickets, nine hair weaves, eight Four Lokos, seven Scarface t-shirts, six Swisher Sweets, five gold teeth, four packs of rolling papers, three pair of Jordans, two Yankees ball caps, and a 60” HDTV.

On the eleventh day of looting my homies stole for me eleven gold chains, ten scratch tickets, nine hair weaves, eight Four Lokos, seven Scarface t-shirts, six Swisher Sweets, five gold teeth, four packs of rolling papers, three pair of Jordans, two Yankees ball caps, and a 60” HDTV.

On the twelfth day of looting my homies stole for me twelve Steel Reserves, eleven gold chains, ten scratch tickets, nine hair weaves, eight Four Lokos, seven Scarface t-shirts, six Swisher Sweets, five gold teeth, four packs of rolling papers, three pair of Jordans, two Yankees ball caps, and a 60” HDTV.

Ah, yes. The holiday season is upon us, and the Ferguson Grand Jury verdict came in just as the businesses destroyed by the August riots and lootings had just gotten back on their feet and as fate would have it, when stores were loaded up with product for Black Friday and the holiday weekend. Plenty of goodies to steal, because nothing honors the memory of a dead guy like stealing everything in sight and burning down your neighborhood.

Yeah, nothing says you care about your community like destroying what other people have. Now here we are in the midst of freezing weather and the pending holidays, and you savages have put dozens and dozens of people out of work by destroying their businesses.

What did that poor woman have to do with the death of Mike Brown? You just destroyed her livelihood, built by her hard work and with money she saved for years.

Every police car destroyed has to be replaced at the cost of taxpayer money, but you animals don't pay taxes, so what does it matter to you?

Not content with burning police cars, you then proceeded to torch a car dealership. Some of you vile cretins carjacked an old man, ran him over with his own car, and beat him with his oxygen tank. What the hell is wrong with you animals? Oh, that's right; it was just an old white dude so that's not racist, or even newsworthy.

And snitches get stitches, right? That's why 20-year old DeAndre Joshua was shot in the head as he sat in his car the other night as the riots started. He was rumored to have been a witness who testified at the Grand Jury hearings that exonerated Darren Wilson.

This violence was planned. It was per-meditated. Leaders of the local New Black Panthers were arrested days ago in possession of weapons while trying to buy materials to make pipe bombs.

Mike Brown's stepfather was filmed on live TV screaming for people to "Burn this bitch down!". Ironically his church was burned down by rioters. Days ago, a guy who was leading a "Fuck Tha Police" rally in Ferguson had his car stolen. Karma. Schadenfreude. Animals eventually turn on each other.

I take no joy in the fact that these people lost their son. I take no joy in the fact that another young man fell astray of the law and died as the result of his actions, but when you're high and rob a convenience store and then confront and beat a cop, it's hard to be overly sympathetic. Look, people, the Grand Jury, made up of volunteers from the community,and comprised of exactly the same racial makeup ratio as the community, listened to over 70 hours of evidence and testimony from over 60 witnesses and numerous forensic reports and exonerated Officer Wilson. But exonerated sure as hell doesn't mean he gets his life back. He will never work as a cop in Ferguson again. He'll likely have to move and leave the state in order to find some semblance of normalcy in a new location away from people threatening to kill him. As is, the New York Times is actively assisting those trying to kill him by publishing his home address so that vigilantes may more easily find him.

So out of a sense of fairness, here are the addresses of the Times reporters who are trying to get Wilson killed, courtesy of John Hawkins at Right Wing News and Charles Johnson from GotNews.

Bosman’s address 
CHICAGO, IL 60660-4204

Robertson's address
NEW ORLEANS, LA 70119-3203

And where is Al Sharpton? Where is Jesse Jackson? Shouldn't they be there in Ferguson to stop the violence? Aw, hell nawwwwww....they're off looking for the next photo-op. And where is outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder? He visited in August to make sure the race-baiting flames were being fanned to take attention away from his boss, so why not make one final appearance to threaten Wislon with Federal charges now that the state case is closed? It would take attention away from Lord Obeezy circumventing the Constitution with Executive Orders on immigration. But that's a blog for another day.

And if you missed my coverage of the earlier riots, go here.

To catch my coverage of the farcical funeral, go here.

1 comment:

  1. A great post, LL. There was one thing that made me wonder. I saw no reports of a pharmacy being looted. With all those drugs just waiting to be crammed into a pocket (or 4) I would think all the pharmacies would have been hit. And why is papa Brown not being charged with inciting a riot? Oh, forgot. He's black.


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