This is officially a completely incoherent rant. Just
letting you know.
I bought my first U2 cassette in about 1984, I think. I
can’t say that I was there at the very beginnings of the band, those early days of “Boy”
and “October”. I came on board as “War” was making the rounds of alternative
radio, back when you still had to be part of the avant-garde alternative and NuWave
crowd listening to college radio and reading import copies of Smash Hits from
the UK in order to hear who U2 was. Not long after, “The Unforgettable Fire”
came out, and U2 was still a secret more or less. Then 1987 arrived…
I can still remember where I was the first time I heard
“Where The Streets Have No Name”, the first track on “The Joshua Tree”. For
some reason I had the local rock radio station on (WHEB) instead of the college
station (WUNH) and I was getting dressed for school at about 6:30 on a crisp
early March morning. The DJ said it was the new one from U2 and that really perked my
ears up as this was the first time I’d heard them on a regular commercial
station. I thought it was great and knew it was gonna get huge.
Gone was Bono’s mullet, in was a swaggering polished look and within weeks U2 were the biggest band
in the world, selling over 25 million copies of the album. That was also probably
the last world tour of theirs that I could have afforded to go to.
Hmmm, 130 bucks a ticket back in 2001. And in 2009 it was still almost 60 bucks just to STAND in a crowd way the hell back from the stage.
I’ve seen many of my “essential” and favorite bands
live throughout the years, mostly in my younger years when I had fewer financial
responsibilities and when concert tickets were only twenty or twenty-five
bucks, and if you got really good seats you paid fifty. I’ve been fortunate
enough to see The Cure a couple times, Erasure four times, and Depeche Mode
three times. Never did get to see New Order or Pet Shop Boys, but I did get to
catch REM once. That about covered those favorite bands from my teen years,
except for U2.
In many cases I just wasn’t located close enough to
a venue they were playing at on their tours, but in more & more cases as
time went on, I just simply couldn’t afford it. It’s commonplace now for their
tickets to go on average for over a hundred bucks a pop for anything not in the
nosebleeds a mile from the stage.
While one could always state the obvious :“Well hell, Steve, you could still be at the show for 50 bucks”, but if the only way I will see anything going on up on stage is to watch the giant monitors with some assclown’s head in the way, I may as well have just stayed the hell home & waited for the concert DVD so I could watch it in Dolby on my 46” flat screen and pause it when I have to pee, and only pay 20 bucks for the disc.
While one could always state the obvious :“Well hell, Steve, you could still be at the show for 50 bucks”, but if the only way I will see anything going on up on stage is to watch the giant monitors with some assclown’s head in the way, I may as well have just stayed the hell home & waited for the concert DVD so I could watch it in Dolby on my 46” flat screen and pause it when I have to pee, and only pay 20 bucks for the disc.
I guess when you’re the biggest band in the
universe, there’s a lot of pressure to put on a huge, decadent, grandiose
spectacle of a stage show. (One of the best shows I’ve ever been to, however,
was Erasure’s 2007 show in Orlando at the Hard Rock; with a small stage & a
capacity of 3000 people.) The 2009 tour for U2, the 360° Tour, featured this
giant Claw Stage with three 164-foot tall Claw apparatus things that cost about
35 million dollars each, with 72 separate subwoofers and needing between 120
and 200 trucks (seriously) to carry about all their crap.
It was estimated that each day of the tour, show or no show, it was costing $750,000 a day to operate. In an interview given about 33 shows into the tour, their manager Paul McGuinness estimated the group had spent more than $64 million so far entertaining fans up to that point in the tour. He told Britain's The Sun newspaper: "The engineering problems are enormous and costly. Whether we're playing or not, the daily overhead is about $750,000. That's just to have the crew on the payroll, rent the trucks and everything else. There are about 200 trucks in total, including merchandise and catering." And while they hadn’t really yet turned a profit by the end of the tour it was expected that they’d do so handsomely.
It was estimated that each day of the tour, show or no show, it was costing $750,000 a day to operate. In an interview given about 33 shows into the tour, their manager Paul McGuinness estimated the group had spent more than $64 million so far entertaining fans up to that point in the tour. He told Britain's The Sun newspaper: "The engineering problems are enormous and costly. Whether we're playing or not, the daily overhead is about $750,000. That's just to have the crew on the payroll, rent the trucks and everything else. There are about 200 trucks in total, including merchandise and catering." And while they hadn’t really yet turned a profit by the end of the tour it was expected that they’d do so handsomely.
Well, hell, I’d expect so, when the average ticket was a
good $125 in stadiums holding over 60,000 people. And trust me, concert
t-shirts ain’t cheap. They’ll run you at least $30 a piece (though
some $20 shirts were available), and an outrageous $30 for a tour program booklet,
and then you have other goodies like $50 fleeces and $65 hoodies. One
enterprising soul looked at the tour date at the University of Virginia stadium
in Charlottesville, Virginia and found that while the official ticket price range was $30-$253 via the thieves at Ticketmaster,
the going rate from ticket
broker scalpers for a general admission ticket on the field was from $699
( to $1600 ( In comparison the cost of a season
football ticket for the Virginia Cavaliers was at the time $269.00.
NOTE: It’s already a rip to have to pay all the extra fees
associated with Ticketbastard, but then a-hole ticket brokerages get involved and
buy up huge chunks of available tickets and then ass-rape desperate fans by
charging insane prices for tix. It’s not just for U2 tickets, either. I saw
people getting hit for $1200 a ticket on the last Depeche Mode tour.
![]() |
The official U2 jet |
So we have now established that Mister Bono Vox has money
flowing out of most orifices, despite the costs involved in making albums and
putting on concert tours.
forward to last month when Facebook went public on the stock exchange.
It seems that Bono was an early investor in
Facebook. His investment firm, Elevation Partners, bought 2.3 percent of the social
network juggernaut for $90 million in 2009. So when The Book went public, Bono
& Co. pulled in about $1.5 BILLION with a Capital B. Of course, Bono
downplayed this, as
the money will be split among various investors and partners associated with
the group. It should also be noted that Bono would not be allowed to sell all
of his shares at once, and he has said
that money raised from his investments will largely be directed to his philanthropic
work in Africa.
that brings me to his charity. And kinda to the meat of what the hell I started
to write this article for…
isn’t shy about wanting all of us to toss our pennies into his hat to help all the
poor, downtrodden wretches in Africa. He tells us to donate mosquito netting to
save poor babies from malaria and “death by maw-skee-toe”, pleading with us from
behind his rose-tinted sunglasses. There’s the famous meme poster about Bono
calling for silence in the stadium and clapping his hands every few seconds and
saying that every time he claps his hands a child in Africa dies. He’s been on
board the Africa Train since the early days, when U2 gained a huge audience
after their amazing performance at Live Aid and lending his vocals to the Band
Aid single, “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” Bono pleaded with us all to buy red
cell phones and red iPods through the (product)RED movement that was rife with criticism over how it
handled donations.
With help from Bill Gates, Bono’s ONE Campaign continues to
guilt us into handing over our money to people in Third World holes who,
despite almost a hundred years of folks from the western world trying to help
them out, still crap in their drinking water, live in dirt and have babies they
can’t support, all of which in turn gets blamed again on the western nations
who allegedly keep them downtrodden whilst stealing their land and resources.
Look; we can’t always be the bad guys. Eventually you gotta help yourselves.
The irony is tasty like UNICEF porridge—evil westerners cause the strife but
only westerners can save you….go figure.
the richest dude after Paul McCartney has a giant charity that isn’t a charity.
here’s ONE’s mission: To fight extreme poverty and preventable disease,
particularly in Africa, by raising public awareness and educating policy makers
about the importance of smart and effective policies and programs, such as the
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. ONE also works closely with
activists and leaders in Africa to address structural issues, such as debt
relief, trade investment, and good governance, that are essential for countries
to lift themselves out of poverty.
like sunshine & rainbows, don’t it? Raising public awareness usually means
showing infomercials of starving kids covered in shit & flies during dinner
hours on TV and then more or less telling us that if we don’t send money we’re all
bastards because you can feed an entire village on thirty-five cents a day.
(Providing the corrupt governments don’t steal the food & supplies, or
drug-addled warlords chewing khat leaves don't steal the supplies, or a rival tribe that
likes to hack your tribe to pieces with machetes doesn’t steal the supplies
after hacking up a village or three….while corrupt ineffective U.N. types stand
idly by wringing their hands and demanding the United States clean up the mess.
read somewhere that you should look into how any charity you might be
interested in doles out its grants and exactly how much of the money it takes
in goes to overhead like salaries and how much actually makes it to the needy
recipients. Last
year, Kanye West closed down his self-titled foundation after it was revealed
that while he brought in over $570,000 in 2010, all of the money went to paying
“administrative fees,” and none of it was disbursed to the needy. Wyclef Jean
was slammed when it was discovered that, instead of helping the people of
Haiti his fund had pissed away millions. Charity Navigator, a nonprofit group
that oversees this sort of thing, suggests no more than 15 percent of a
charity's cash flow should go toward administration or overhead and that if a
charity has 30 percent or more of its funds going toward administrative fees or
overhead that charity has troubles.
Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance is a bit more forgiving,
recommending charities spend at least 65 percent of their total expenses on actual
program activities.
seriously, think about it; if you thought your donations were going to save
starving children, wouldn’t you be a bit peeved if your money was actually
going to pay someone’s six-figure salary, throw lavish parties to “raise
awareness” and get peoples’ pictures in rags like People or Rolling Stone, or
to fly influential types around the world on a private jet?
group (which he has always said is a marketing or lobbying campaign – thus
distancing it from grant giving charity rules) had an interesting year in 2010.
Total revenue for the year was $18,738,485 (down from $35,212,269 in 2009) –
with 55 percent, or $10,464,935, going to “salaries and other compensation.”
Only $1,356,706 was paid out in grants, with $11,249,753 going to “other
expenses” like 12 percent – or $2,338,966 - for travel, $2,620,148 for
unspecified service fees, $1,202,212 in information technology and $828,804 in
office expenses. So out of 18 million dollars brought in, only a little over 1
million went to actual direct grants to those poor, starving, AIDS-riddled,
mosquito-bitten victims of western rape & pillage.
claims it is a non-profit advocacy organization, kind of like a marketing
campaign, not a grant giver – so therefore it should be held to different
standards. Of course.
McKiernan, ONE's press secretary, told “We do not solicit funding
from the general public or run programs on the ground. ONE fights extreme
poverty and preventable disease by raising awareness of these crises and their
solutions, and by pressing policymakers both in the US and around the world to
support smart, effective programs that save lives and stabilize communities. So
we are part Brookings Institution, part AIPAC and part the NRA for the world’s
poor. (Note: gotta make sure the US is influenced because they expect America to babysit the world)
had booths set up
at the concerts on the 360° Tour to get people to sign up, join them, donate,
etc., so isn’t that soliciting direct funding from the people most likely to
saving these people by raising awareness, huh? I guess all those people
slapping pink breast cancer ribbons on everything from measuring cups to frozen
dinners to toilet paper aren’t really trying to SELL MORE PRODUCTS by latching
on to a trend, either. “I’m fighting breast cancer by eating a Twinkie with a
ribbon on the box”.
from ONE:
staff is the primary tool through which we do our work. Just as a newspaper’s
budget would show a large percentage devoted to staff salaries to fund the work
of reporters, editors, researchers and more, ONE allocates a significant
percentage of its budget to enabling the organization to have the staff
necessary to do our programmatic work. ONE has more than 120 staff operating in
8 offices around the world. We are specifically funded not to be a grant-making
organization. The only exception is our ONE Africa Award, a prize given each
year to a grassroots organization in Africa. On travel expenses, in addition to
staff travel to the continent of Africa, ONE runs a half-dozen listening and
learning trips to Africa each year so that we can show groups of influencers
how poverty and disease are impacting people in the world’s poorest countries,
how people in those countries are fighting back and how American-supported
programs, such as PEPFAR or the Global Fund, are making a difference."
that’s because most of those INFLUENCERS are the PROBLEM, dearie. You ain’t
tellin’ ‘em anything they didn’t know when they woke up. They LIVE THERE. Half
of them are keeping the poor downtrodden so that they can stay in power and
continue to be INFLUENCERS.
So you send people to Oompaloompaland, Africa to see The Great Boomdweezi and throw a huge lavish party, so he can say sure, bring in a few planeloads of rice and some water treatment machines, and then he has his thugs steal the food and massacre the schmucks who show up for water.
So you send people to Oompaloompaland, Africa to see The Great Boomdweezi and throw a huge lavish party, so he can say sure, bring in a few planeloads of rice and some water treatment machines, and then he has his thugs steal the food and massacre the schmucks who show up for water.
be better-served by buying sniper rifles & taking out the corrupt leaders,
in my snarky, jaded, cynical opinion. Make sure you buy yourself some $300
Emporio Armani sunglasses first.
and while we’re bursting bubbles, how about the massive carbon footprint
generated by a world tour as massive as a U2 event?
According to the Belfast Times, U2 was reportedly producing
up to 20,117.5 tons of CO2 in 2009, equivalent to flying the band to Mars in a
passenger plane. That’s approximately 457.2 tons a show, going by the tour
average for each show. According to U2 guitarist The Edge, the band purchased
carbon offsets to account for the tour’s ecological impact. That’s celeb-speak
for “We paid off some Al Gore-owned scam artist company to buy imaginary carbon
credits so we could feel less guilty about all the fuel & electricity
consumed on our tour by believing someone is planting trees to soak up carbon
Aid was over 25 years ago and those people still don’t look any better off to
me after BILLIONS in relief donations. Charity begins at home, people. Why don’t
we help our homeless veterans and wounded warriors and let Bono spend that
billion dollar Facebook windfall on whatever he wants.
In his Man of Peace Award acceptance speech in 2008 at the Nobel Summit, Bono mentioned that “…the US gun lobby spends nearly 200 million dollars a year making sure that you can’t get elected if you support gun control”. Hey, Bono, it’s a RIGHT guaranteed to our citizens by our CONSTITUTION. I own a firearm and have never shot anyone, and with all my Army training by your standards I am Death Incarnate. And if you look around, areas where people get murdered the most by guns in this country are places where Liberals have enacted gun control laws to keep citizens from exercising their right to defend themselves, but hey, look at the United Kingdom: the average citizen in the UK doesn’t own a gun but STABBING deaths are rampant.
In his Man of Peace Award acceptance speech in 2008 at the Nobel Summit, Bono mentioned that “…the US gun lobby spends nearly 200 million dollars a year making sure that you can’t get elected if you support gun control”. Hey, Bono, it’s a RIGHT guaranteed to our citizens by our CONSTITUTION. I own a firearm and have never shot anyone, and with all my Army training by your standards I am Death Incarnate. And if you look around, areas where people get murdered the most by guns in this country are places where Liberals have enacted gun control laws to keep citizens from exercising their right to defend themselves, but hey, look at the United Kingdom: the average citizen in the UK doesn’t own a gun but STABBING deaths are rampant.
found this tidbit at
*In or about 2006, there were about 60 million people in the
UK as a whole, including Scotland.
*In England and Wales alone — discounting Scotland — there
were over 163 thousand knife crimes.
*By the end of 2006, there were more than 300 million people
in the US as a whole.
*In the US as a whole, there were fewer than 400 thousand
gun crimes.
*In the UK, based on these numbers, there was one knife
crime commited for every 374 people (rounded down).
*In the US, based on these numbers, there was one gun crime
committed for every 750 people — less than half a gun crime per 374 people
(about 0.4987 gun crimes per 374 people, actually).
*That means that, based on these statistics, you are more
than twice as likely to be a victim of knife crime in the UK as you
are to be a victim of gun crime in the US.
I don’t see anyone
trying to ban knives anywhere in the world.
go spend your billions on whatever you want, but stop asking me for money and
stop trying to make me feel guilty for living in a country with electricity,
running water, free elections, and the right to keep & bear arms.
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where the singers have no shame
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