So, a few days ago Charleston made the news again. After
being held in solitary confinement for the past 9 months, former North
Charleston police officer Michael Slager, charged with murder for shooting an
unarmed Walter Scott last year, was released on a $500,000 bond.
Heads immediately exploded.
Of course, the National Action Network and their ilk with
the NAACP and #Blacklivesmatter, had to hold a photo op and publicity stunt
press conference in front of the Al Cannon Detention Facility (the county
lockup has such a fancy name, no?) to bemoan and denounce the release of Slager
until his trial date.
Look, I’m not defending Slager. What he did was
indefensible and he deserves to be convicted. They seemed to have forgotten a couple details, though.
He has been in pre-trial confinement for the past 9 months,
held in solitary confinement, and his trial date isn’t scheduled until October
31, nearly 11 months away. So much for the right to a speedy trial. Slager's
attorneys had requested a speedy trial, but Ninth Circuit Solicitor Scarlett
Wilson filed a 10-page response to that motion, saying a date in the fall would
be both reasonable and necessary because she is also working on the case
against Dylann Roof, the little turd responsible for the June shooting deaths
of nine black parishioners at Mother Emanuel AME Church in downtown Charleston.
Hey, two high-profile murder cases full of guaranteed TV time and possible book
and TV deals? She ain’t gonna let someone else handle one and lose out….but I
By the time his trial started, he would have been held for 20 months
in solitary confinement. Granted, a conviction is a foregone conclusion but any
accused person is presumed innocent until proven guilty, and incarcerating the
accused for over a year and a half awaiting trial treads the realm of cruel and
unusual. According to his lawyer, Slager’s health has suffered while behind
bars, as prison food is generally not gluten-free and Slager has celiac disease. You can force entire prison systems to go pork-free to make Muslims happy, but you can't do anything for the gluten crowd.
So, a black judge agreed to bond him out under house arrest,
and the Usual Suspects lost their minds. I’m surprised that Judge Clifton
Newman hasn’t been called Uncle Tom by the black community and had his home
address Tweeted out by Spike Lee.
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SC Judge Clifton Newman |
"We want Slager back in jail," said Elder Johnson,
State President of the National Action Network, at the news conference, and
also called for the resignation of North Charleston Police Chief Eddie
Driggers. After all, when Black America is wronged, everyone must resign. I’m
shocked they didn’t also demand the resignation of North Charleston Mayor Keith
Summey and Governor Nikki Haley. This despite the fact that Driggers and Summey
immediately fired Slager and charged him with murder within a couple days of
the shooting. They did what they were supposed to do, but just like the
situation at University of Missouri, somebody
gotta pay…and the university’s president and chancellor both resigned.
Ed Bryant of the North Charleston chapter of the NAACP said
he believes Slager received preferential treatment. Local pastor Thomas Dixon
agreed, saying "justice is not for all, but for some with a particular
skin." Oh, spare me. Preferential treatment would have been keeping him on
paid leave and free (or even on active duty) instead of fired and charged immediately with Capital M MURDER. Solitary
confinement isn’t very preferential, unless you look at it as keeping him apart
to keep him safe from fellow inmates so he didn’t get shanked in the showers.
"Slager is a threat to the community," continued
Dixon later. "I don't care what the judge said." Yeah, sure, and
you’ll vilify the judge as a race traitor next. Slager won’t be able to safely
leave wherever he’s staying, let alone be allowed a moment without scrutiny, so
when is he going to be freely roaming the community at large to kill at will?
He has nowhere to go, and nowhere to hide. In essence, his cell merely got
larger and more comfortable. He is in hiding, and his Hanahan home, which has
been vacant since his arrest last April, was set on
fire last night. Say it ain’t so,
peaceful black community? After all, who kept torching black churches in St.
Louis to keep racial hatred going? A black dude. Yes.
Kinda like the black Muslim who torched
his own Houston mosque and the media was quick to blame Whitey but lost
interest quickly when the truth came out. Doesn’t fit the Liberal narrative…
The aforementioned Ninth Circuit Court Solicitor Scarlett
Wilson says prosecutors can ask to have bond revoked, but said there are no
grounds to do so in this case. Bond is generally revoked when the accused does
something wrong, and Slager hasn’t been out of jail much more than 96 full
hours yet and hasn’t exactly had time yet to screw up.
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You tawkin' to ME? |
Meanwhile, over on Rivers Avenue in North Charleston, about
three miles or so from where Slager shot Walter Scott and about ten miles
(maybe less) from the press conference at the jail, 18-year old Larry Grayer
and two of his buddies, 18-year-old Deandre Montel Stevens and 17-year-old
Aliya Young, went to the Walmart parking lot with the intent to sell some
marijuana and then rob the customer afterwards.
The customer, 16 year old Zarmell Polite, and an accomplice got into a
gunfight with Grayer and company amidst the attempted robbery. According to
investigators, Grayer was shot by Polite and transported to Roper Northwoods
Hospital by Stevens and Young, where Grayer later died of his injuries. Digest
that a second, will you? Two 18-year olds and a 17-year old selling drugs in
the Walmart parking lot and robbing their customers at gunpoint and getting
into a gunfight with a 16-year old.
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Young and Stevens |
Not a peep on this black on black crime from the esteemed
black community, just a few miles away. Also not a peep about the 16-year old
who killed a 19-year old in a prostitution-related robbery at a local hotel on
Christmas Eve. Sure, the article
says it was a “date” arranged on (kinda like Craig’s List),
but that’s a site that’s primarily only known for two things: escorts &
whores setting up meets at hotels where often times the John is robbed and
never calls the cops (“I was robbed while committing the crime of solicitation”),
and for anonymous hookups for sex. Anonymous hookups don’t have armed backup in
the next room, and legit dates meet at Barnes & Noble or the movies, not at
Extended Stay America.
Black lives matter…just not to black people it seems. If
they mattered, then all the hue and cry would be focused towards Chicago.
After all, last year was a banner year in The Windy City.
Despite the strictest gun laws in the land, there was a total of 2,995 shootings
in Chicago, of which 443 were fatal. How is this even possible? President Pooky
just Executive Ordered his way to expanded background checks to close the mythical
gun show loophole but I guess the background check is a moot point. After all,
how many of these street thugs and gang members and various other murderous
hoodrats in Chiganistan purchased their firearms legally, through an FFL dealer
who did a background check with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
Explosives and how many had a valid Illinois concealed carry permit?
Likewise in the incident local to me, since these children
under the age of 21 could not have legally purchased, let alone possess, the
handguns used whilst conducting their equally illegal drug transaction and
subsequent attempted robbery-cum-shootout, a background check, or some new
draconian gun-control law, would be useless, since criminals don’t obey the law
in the first place.
So, while Mayor Rahm Emanuel, formerly Lord Obeezy’s right
hand at the Reichs Chancellery, was vacationing
in the Socialist Worker’s Paradise of Cuba and getting his Che on with those
crazy Castro boys, the first shooting of 2016 left one person injured early New
Year's Day in the South Chicago neighborhood. Seriously, it took Chicago FIVE
MINUTES to endure its first shooting of the New Year.
The victim, a 34-year-old woman, was inside a residence at
12:05 a.m. last Friday when a bullet came through the second-floor window and
grazed her hand and going through her finger, police said. She was taken to a
local hospital in good condition.
The bullet was apparently fired by a reveler who was
celebrating the New Year by shooting into the air, much like in peaceful cities
like Baghdad, Beirut, Benghazi, or any gathered group of celebrating savages.
The way they waste rounds in the Middle East celebrating, I should order my
ammo there instead of trying to track down what little I can find here. But again I
A little over two hours later, Chicago had its first
homicide of the year. Police say the victim was a 24-year-old gang member who
had been arguing with another man inside a bar when it spilled out into the
street. The other man pulled a gun and shot him in the chest, then fled, police
said. Business as usual.
Hours before the city's first reported murder, the Chicago
Police Department released new crime numbers for 2015. The statistics show
there were more than 50 more homicides last year than in 2014. So, things just
get Progressively worse (progressive, get it? I made a Liberal joke!) and the
black community only gets involved if a white guy, especially if it’s a white
cop, is the shooter. Case in point: the meltdown after the release of dash-cam
video that shows the fatal shooting of Laquan McDonald, 17, by Chicago Police
Officer Jason Van Dyke. Again, an inexcusable shooting, at least to the extent
of how many rounds were expended. Seemingly, Van Dyke pulled up to the crowded
scene and was practically firing as soon as he exited the vehicle. To catch you
all upon what happened, allegedly:
Shortly before 10:00 p.m., police were called to investigate
a report that McDonald was carrying a knife and breaking into vehicles in a
trucking yard. When officers confronted McDonald, he used a knife with a 3-inch
blade to slice the tire on a patrol vehicle and damage its windshield. McDonald
walked away from police after numerous verbal instructions from officers to
drop the knife, at which point responding officers requested Taser backup,
according to radio recordings.
Van Dyke was on the scene for less than 30 seconds before
opening fire and began shooting approximately six seconds after exiting his car, from a distance of less than 10
feet away. The first responding officer stated that he did not see the need to
use force and none of the at least eight other officers on the scene fired
their weapons. McDonald was shot 16 times in 14–15 seconds, expending the
maximum capacity of Van Dyke's weapon. Video of the shooting shows that
McDonald fell to the ground after the first shot was fired, after which Van
Dyke stopped firing for a moment, then opened fire again when McDonald moved,
knife still in hand.
Hmmm, he moved. Shit, bodies on a morgue slab can sometimes
twitch. That doesn’t mean the coroner has to stab the corpse again to make sure
it’s dead. You had at least eight other officers around, none of whom had fired
a shot (leaving at least 128 more rounds to fire at the suspect, plus the other
15 in Van Dyke’s gun), so go up and kick the knife away and subdue the suspect
on the ground. Anyone who’s watched an episode of COPS has seen five burly
officers dogpile a subject on the ground.
According to the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office's
autopsy report, McDonald was shot in his neck, chest, back, both arms, right
leg and had a graze wound to his left scalp. Nine of the 16 shots hit
McDonald's back and he was shot even as he lay on the pavement. Toxicology
reports later revealed that McDonald had PCP in his blood and urine, which can
definitely give bursts of frighteningly superhuman strength when a subject is
being subdued, but the dude dropped on the first shot.
Bad shoot by the cop? I’ll go with that. But did you know
this happened well over a year ago? And the family had already been paid by the
city and the city swept it all under the rug because it was an election year
and Comrade Rahm wanted to stay on his Iron Throne. Reports say that the video
of the shoot was buried and that camera footage from local businesses were
confiscated and even destroyed. Not the first time this cop has been
investigated and people were paid off over it, either. Not the first hinky
shooting by a Chicago cop, no way.
Does Chicago have a leadership problem? Yup. Does Chicago
have a crime problem? Double yup. Will those dumb bastards keep voting Democrat
and blame Whitey for everything? Triple yup.
After all, black lives matter, just not to other black
Of course, I'm pretty sure I must be some sort of heinous racist for pointing out shit like this. And if you're BLACK and point out shit like this, you're a traitor or an Uncle Tom. I'm sure that insurance agent Fred L. Davis has gotten a ration of heat over his billboards in greater Memphis.
Oh, and if you want to ever keep up with the Chicago crime reports the same way I do, keep track of the action at Hey Jackass. This site is AMAZING.
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