Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Drink Up, Bitches!

Barney Frank, why do I hate thee so?

I don’t hate Barney Frank because he’s gay. Get real. I’m a bit more enlightened than that.

I don’t hate Barney Frank because he’s from Massachusetts. C’mon, people, Boston is one of my favorite cities ever.

I don’t even hate Barney Frank because he sounds like a drunken version of Buddy Hackett…well, maybe just a little bit.

I hate Barney Frank because he’s a liberal Socialist who wants to re-distribute my money to asstard social-program sponges who think they’re entitled to a free handout from the Feral Gummint™. I hate Barney Frank because in a world full of people drinking Barack Hussein Obama’s bullshit-flavored Kool-Aid, he’s pouring glass after glass for the ignorant Sheeple. And I hate Barney Frank for wanting to cut defense spending by 25%...he may think that’ll help things out, but soldiers suffer when you cut a full quarter of their budgets. Soldiers die when you cut 25% of their budgets, the same soldiers who keep you and your cronies fat, safe, and happily redistributing wealth up on Crapitol Hill.

Piss off, Congressman Frank, and take your Kool Aid with you.

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